Let Wuhan's sacrifice not be in vain.
On April 8, Wuhan is open to the outside world again, after 76 days lockdown. Although people are still reeling from the loss of loved ones and cautious against Covid-19, life must go on and there’s plenty to look forward to.
The Wuhan locals proved themselves heroic. They sprang into action to help themselves. Medical staff worked overtime, braving the initial lack of protective gear.The entire country proved to be the formidable backbone that the city could rely on. And every means was pursued to get ahead of the virus. Some 42,000 medics arrived from around the country in Wuhan and neighboring cities. By early March, 2.2 million tons of supplies and 17,000 ventilators had been dispatched to the region. Wuhan became the center of attention in China. People cheered for the city, from home and abroad.
April 8 will be a historic date for the people of Wuhan and China, to mark a battle hard fought and hard won. Lessons still need to be learned as to what more could have been done initially. Right now, the focus is resetting life while keeping the virus in check. Meanwhile, Wuhan can share its experience with other countries to score a global victory against the virus. Enough lives have been lost; enough time has been wasted. Let Wuhan’s sacrifice not be in vain.